Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Almond Macaroons

I always feel a little flat in this post Christmas period. Of course there is the build up to new year - and the constant round of lunches and afternoon tea events. I have just baked some Almond Macaroons - always a favourite at this time of year - they are much lighter than a mince pie or christmas cake. Here is the recipe if you would like to try them:

200g ground almonds
100g flaked almonds
100g caster sugar
200g crystalized ginger - chopped
2 egg whites
tablespoon icing sugar
teaspoon ground cinammon

Mix together the ground almonds, egg whites, caster sugar and ginger, pat the mixture into small balls, roll these in the flaked almonds to coat. Place them on a baking sheet and place in the centre of an oven at 200 for 20 - 25 minutes - when they are cool dust with the icing sugar and cinammon.

I had a strange email from Marjorie Pritchard yesterday - announcing that she had lost her hat - an aaron bobble - knitted it herself - and would like to see it's safe return. Well I didn't know what to say to her- I'd last seen it on my assailant down at the plot! Could she just be covering her tracks? It also seems that the inquest for poor Colonel Jackson was inconclusive, it seems the runner bean pickle was not the source of the botulism but the poor man must have been slipped something else by person(s) unknown.


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